Ben McGarity, creator of Trivialicious Trivia Packs.

Ben McGarity, creator of Trivialicious Trivia Packs.


Hi! G'Day! Aloha! Bonjour! Hola! 

I'm Ben, the creator of Trivialicious Trivia Question Packs.

I like trivia. Like... really really like-like it.
In fact, I like it so much I quit my 9 to 5 job to focus on it!

I’ve a passion for creating engaging, fun and interactive trivia question packs—the kind of trivia I wish I could head out and play myself.

I’m a Graphic Designer by trade; I’ve also worked in the entertainment industry as a professional musician for 15 years and as a trivia host for 7 years. This combined experience has helped me create trivia question content that will entertain audiences and create a fun, engaging and challenging event.

Creating awesome-tastic high quality trivia content takes a lot of time and effort—so-much-so that I decided to focus on creating trivia packs full time. I can help you save that time and effort; It's all here, done for you, all you need to do is host the show (which is the best part!).

Players don't need to be geniuses to play the packs (although it totally helps). There's something in every pack for everyone with questions spanning general knowledge, pop culture, music, film, art, history, geography, science… a little bit of everything!

I host these packs myself on a weekly basis, so they've all been tried and tested in real-life events and have earned the coveted Benji Seal of Approval, as well as being scrutinised and given the thumbs-up by over 200 players in my home town (they're a tough but awesome bunch!).

I don't make the bold claim of being "the best trivia in the world" (although I reckon it’s pretty awesome)— I just really, really enjoy what I do and hope other would-be trivia hosts out there will feel the same :)
